Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Begin Anywhere...

As you may have noticed, life at PiperBellies' blog has been rater uneventful, but things in my life have been the opposite. I've had a lot of things change...some good, some bad. Piper is growing up so fast, it's hard to believe what is before my eyes. I have loved and lost. I have planned, and changed plans. And through everything I am learning that life is not what we may expect it to be. It is messy. It is embarrassing. It is painful. It is confusing. But it is also beautiful and creative and ever changing. Life is just that. It is life. And we must live it now to our fullest capacity. I am ashamed to say that for most of my life I have not done that. I have held back for one reason or another. But now, I am trying to find the strength to push past the fears and to LIVE. I'm a rather personal individual, not one to share really personal and specific details to whoever happens to stumble across my blog. But I am a firm believer in the fact that we can, and should, learn from the people around us. Everyone has advice and experiences that we can glean from, as long as we don't lose ourselves to their advice. In saying all of this, I will tell you that I have started a blog of quotations. I'm not sure really how it will evolve, but right now I plan on putting up any sort of quote that I come across that speaks to me, and I pray that it also speaks to you. One quote a day. It may be a famous quote, a movie quote, a Bible verse, a song lyric, something someone said to me, someone I come up with myself. Anything. beginanywhereforlove.blogspot.com is its address and I invite you to read what I find.

SO...with all of that said, the PiperBellies blog will not be up and running anytime soon. I will be starting massage therapy school in February and focusing on that and baking and a cleaning job and being the best mom I can be and finding myself. I will absolutely still be taking orders from anyone who makes them. Please go to www.piperbellies.com for much more information on what to order and how to order it.


  1. You are an amazing young woman! Embrace who you are and never look back! Every step you take (good or bad) puts you one step closer to where you are supposed to be. Know that people love you and are praying for you! Love always Mrs. P
