Monday, June 14, 2010

congrats grads.

This weekend I made another cake for my friend Lindsey!  It was really fun because I had already made a cake for her, but last time it sort of had to match a couple of other people's cakes, but this time it was more personalized...still school colors and everything...just a little more HER.

My little brother Erik also graduated this weekend!  Woohoo!!  We had a big party at our house to celebrate.  His school colors are black and white but he wanted a chocolate cake with chocolate this is how I made that happen...we also needed some cupcakes because there were so many people was really fun, actually, despite the small frosting catastrophe I had at 2 o'clock in the morning. 

Love you Erik!   So proud of you!

Okay, that is IT for the graduation cakes...though I do have another one in August...but for now, we'll take a break.  Whew.