Tuesday, March 2, 2010

warm, fresh bread, bright and early.

so this morning piper decided that 5:30 was wake up time.  ugh.  much to my chagrin i couldn't convince her to sleep for a second longer, so we begrudgingly made our way downstairs, then i suddenly remembered that i had made bread dough last night!  i got the dough all ready, gave it its second rise for what felt like the longest hour of my life, popped it in the oven for 25 minutes, and voila!  warm, crusty, carrot raisin walnut bread for breakfast, smothered in melty "buttery" spread.  not that it needed the "butter"...i just like when it melts.



jealous?  you don't have to be!  PiperBellies is now selling this very bread for $5.50 a loaf.  aprox. 8 inch round, and it will be the best bread you have ever eaten.

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