Saturday, January 16, 2010

what to do, what to do....

do you ever feel like you ask yourself this question about seventy thousand times a day?  maybe its just me.  i feel like i'm in a constant battle with what i love to do and what is responsible to do.  i love to bake...but i need money.  money makes the freakin' world go round.....or not, as in my case.  i am a firm believer in doing what you love.  i would rather bake and struggle for money than hate my job and be a that okay?  i certainly thought it was fine for the majority of my life, but now that i have little piper to take care of, and am working many little jobs to keep our heads above water, i wonder.  should i try to be interested in something else?  or maybe God made me this way for a reason.  not everyone is meant to be the CEO of a multi million dollar company.  the thought of sitting in an for 8 hours a day makes me want to gauge my eyes out with a spoon, no matter how fun pam and jim make it look.  i want piper to look at my life when she is old enough and be inspired that i did what i believed i was meant to do.  i don't want her to see that i got stuck working a dead end job because of a difficult circumstance.  i want her to know that she inspires me to do what i love to do, even when its not easy.   i am holding on to hope that doing what i love AND being financially stable CAN coexist in my life.  it has to be possible.

1 comment:

  1. But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26

    One of my favorite prayers to God is: Inspire me today! Invade my thinking and show me creativity from the Grandest mind of all.

    Take it from someone who spent many years putting her dreams and desires on the back burner in order to take care of all those $$$$ responsibilities....God does give us success when we follow our heart - it just doesn't always look like the success we imagined.

    If you can go to your grave knowing that Piper "knew she was loved", you will be a raging success in God's eyes. Love you, Cindy R.
