Tuesday, January 12, 2010

still spicy...

SO piper and i got an unwelcome early start this morning (she hates to sleep), so i decided that while she was eating breakfast and playing with her zillions of toys and whatnot, that i needed to do SOMETHING so as not to fall asleep...so i made spicy chocolate cookies to see if they would be any better than the brownies...and they were better, but still not great.  there really was nothing wrong with them...great flavor, great spice, moist cookie....i just feel defeated by the brownie, and think i will not be satisfied until i win.  so i did a little research on how to make fudgy brownies, and learned that you need to add more chocolate AND an extra egg yolk!  i had no idea.  SO.  that is what i'll do next..........to be continued...again.


  1. When in doubt, add more chocolate! You should know this by now, come on. Love you.

  2. you got this... go for it
