when i'm not feeling creative with what piper should have for mealtime, i usually go to my old standby...bananas. suffice it to say...piper eats a lot of bananas. except for this week, because we ended up with a few rotten bananas. yessss...banana muffin time.
i've been trying to be a little healthier lately, because all of this baking has made me fat (can't call it baby fat anymore...), so i substituted the butter with oil, and since i had already done that i decided to make them vegan and used and egg substitute (soy milk and lemon juice). THEN i added blueberries and put a streusel topping (not vegan...) on them...and YUM. definitely the best ones i've ever made. the only thing i will change next time is i will use smaller blueberries. i was just using some frozen ones i had bought a while ago, and they were a little tart in the middle...but besides that they were fantastic.
anywho, piper is for some reason awake and screaming up in her crib, despite the fact that she just went to bed and hour ago. this girl just does not like to sleep. i, however, love to sleep. oh well. i must attend to my little love.
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